Monday, 22 September 2014

Essential Tips for Conducting a Class Debate-Research paper

Students in the class have many more topics to debate on rather than just talking about Justin Bieber’s new hair cut! Teachers can help to launch some fruitful and formal discussions in the class by using some of the tips below:

· Introduce the topic: At the beginning of the debate it is mandatory to give a topic. Often the teachers use the approach that one of the teams will argue for it and the other one against it. Select a topic which you think has a practical application and which can help to relate student understanding. The topic could be a controversial one or it could be a less serious one. Whatever the case might be, make it certain that your students understand every aspect of it and they also comprehend the new vocabulary taught to them. 
·  Allot the positive and the negative: Any debate or discussion has got two sides, one in its favor and the other one against it. The best approach is to group all the students together apart from expecting only one student to complete all the work. In this way one student will not bore the pressure to perform singly and the other students can help him in elevating the comprehension and strategy. If you’re not sure whether you can do it good yourself or not then purchase a research paper and keep your focus on other disciplines. In an ideal situation, break up the class into four groups and a lot each group with a resolution depending upon whether it is negative or an affirmative one.  Some of the groups can be designated as judges and can decide which one is performing better.
· Allot some time for research: Students cannot speak up on a topic when time is not given to them for researching it. Make it certain that students also understand the related vocabulary and allow your students to form a strategy like which group member is going to perform most of the talking. Do remind them that everyone has to participate during the discussion which will lead to the research paper formulation.

Note the time period: Try to follow the usual debate order. Initially, the positive group is given two minutes to present their views to the audience, then the negative one receives the same amount of time. After this is over, both the teams are given two minutes each to prepare a summary of their topic. Now, the order is reversed and the negative side first represents their summary in two minutes, then it is the turn of positive group.

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